3000 Miles to a Cure

As many of you may already know, I am currently on the road going from California to Maryland in 12 days. The whole trip is 3,000 miles and the most important part is that it's for an amazing cause. I'm photographing one of the toughest men I know, Marshall Reeves, as he cycles for 3000 Miles to a Cure.

This organization raises money for brain cancer research and every year they have at least one cyclist that takes on the "World's Toughest Race," Race Across America, in hopes of raising as much money as possible for the cause.

We are currently at about the halfway point of the race and really need help with the fundraising. This year we have two racers and each have a $20,000 goal. 

I'd really appreciate if you would donate at least towards Marshall's goal. Every penny counts, every penny goes to brain cancer research. You can DONATE here: https://www.3000milestoacure.com/event/raam-2016-marshall-reeves/

Furthermore, if you could like and share this post that would also be of tremendous help. The more people this reaches, the more money we can raise.

Here are my selects to this point. Enjoy!